Monday, October 10, 2011

Spanish Inquisition favorite method of torture !

A-  Garrucha: similar to strappado, it is a type of torture in which the victim's hands are attached behind their back and hanged in the air by means of a cord attached to wrists, which will dislocate both arms.

B- Toca: it is a type of torture in which water is discharged on the victim’s covered face in order to experience the feeling of drowing.


C- Potro: it is a type of torture in which the victim sleeps naked on a bedlike frame, strapped, and tightened by the aid of wheels to cause pain.



Sunday, October 9, 2011

Auto-da-fé ! Have you ever heard about it ?

An auto-da-fé is a Portuguese word meaning “Act of faith”. It was held in Spain for the first time in February 6, 1481. Auto-da-fé is one kind of the Spanish Inquisition verdicts and it became rare on the 18th century only. It was a kind of public ceremony divided into two parts; the first part where there was a condemnation to the accused persons by the Inquisition, and the second part where execution by fine takes place by the civil authorities. Accused people who refused to admit their misconducts were burned alive! An auto-da-fé held in Lisbon in 1755 was mentioned by François-Marie Arouet Voltaire in his French satire “Candide”.
